Cyril Costines ✉
M.Sc. Philosophy–Neurosciences–Cognition
Academic Profile
I am a doctoral researcher at the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg (UKF), and at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP) in Freiburg, Germany, under the supervision of Stefan Schmidt and Marc Wittmann. My interdisciplinary background encompasses studies in biology, psychology and philosophy at institutions in Berkeley, Greifswald, Heidelberg, Konstanz and Magdeburg. The focus of my research is on theoretical and empirical studies on consciousness and its altered states, especially those induced by meditation, psychedelics and floating. In particular, I am interested in the phenomenology and neurophysiology of minimal phenomenal experience (MPE). As a member of the international MPE Research Network led by Thomas Metzinger, I contribute to the development of a minimal model of conscious experience.
Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning more about my research or potential collaborations.
Join our Contemplative Lab (ConLab) as a study participant and actively contribute to advancing consciousness research.
Research Focus & Interests
My empirical and philosophical research focuses on three key areas:
Triangulation of minimal phenomenal experience (MPE) (Costines et al., 2021; Gamma & Metzinger, 2021; Metzinger, 2020, 2024)
Mapping of phenomenal state-space (PSS) (Schmidt, 2023),
Institutionalization of a secular consciousness culture (Metzinger, 2023)
In this context, I have a particular interest in altered states of consciousness (ASCs) induced by:
Research Expierences
2024-03 – present
Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP), Freiburg, Germany
Section Psychological Counseling Research (Head: Wolfgang Fach)
Phenomenological research on exceptional expierences (ExE)2023-03 – present
Medical Center – University of Freiburg (UKF), Germany
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Section Systemic Health Research (Head: Stefan Schmidt)
Neurophenomenological research on minimal phenomenal experience (MPE) and non-dual meditation2023-03 – present
Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP), Freiburg, Germany
Section Natural Sciences and Experimental Research
Research Group Time Consciousness and Time Perception
Head: Marc Wittmann
Neurophenomenological research on minimal phenomenal experience (MPE) and floatation-REST2021-04 – 2022-03
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (JGU), Mainz, Germany
Department of Philosophy
Institute of Theoretical Philosophy (Head: Thomas Metzinger)
Philosophical research on minimal phenomenal experience (MPE) and consciousness culture [Bewusstseinskultur]2013-10 – 2014-06
Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald (EMAU), Germany
Department of Psychology
Chair of Physiological and Clinical Psychology / Psychotherapy (Head: Alfons Hamm)
fMRI research on the neurocognitive mechanisms of active and passive coping with threats2011-08 – 2012-07
University of California, Berkeley (UCB), CA, USA
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute (HWNI)
Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Head: Marc D'Esposito)
fMRI research on the neurocognitive mechanisms of sustained attention2009-02 – 2009-06
Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI), Mannheim, Germany
Institute of Psychopharmacology
Behavioral Genetics Lab (Head: Rainer Spanagel)
Behavioral, genetic, and neurochemical research on the influence of circadian clock genes on cocaine addiction
Costines, C. & Schmidt, T.T. (2024). Phenomenology of Psychedelic Experiences and Psychedelic-Associated Distressing Effects: Quantifying Subjective Experiences [Book chapter]. In: Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. [PDF]
Fort, L. D., Costines, C., Wittmann, M., Demertzi, A., & Schmidt, T. T. (2024). Classification Schemes of Altered States of Consciousness [Preprint]. PsyArXiv.
Egan, M. K., Costines, C., D’Esposito, M., & Sadaghiani, S. (2024). Endogenous preparatory control is associated with increased interaction between default mode and dorsal attention networks. Imaging Neuroscience.
Schmidt, T.T., Costines, C., Tagliazucchi, E., Millière, R., Garrido, J.M., & Cuiule, J.I. (2023). The Altered Xperience Project (AXP): Quantitative and Qualitative Data from a Citizen Science Initiative on the Subjective Experience of Altered States of Consciousness [Preprint]. PsyArXiv.
Prugger, J., Derdiyok, E., Dinkelacker, J., Costines, C., & Schmidt, T.T. (2022). The Altered States Database: Psychometric data from a systematic literature review. Scientific Data, 9(1).
Costines, C., Borghardt, T.L., & Wittmann, M. (2021). The Phenomenology of “Pure” Consciousness as Reported by an Experienced Meditator of the Tibetan Buddhist Karma Kagyu Tradition. Analysis of Interview Content Concerning Different Meditative States. Philosophies, 6(2), 50.
Costines, C., Schmidt, T.T. (2024, Jul.). Phenomenomics and Citizen Science: Mapping the Phenomenology of Altered States of Consciousness. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the Association of Scientific Studies of Consciousness (ASSC27), Tokyo, Japan.
Costines, C., Wittmann, M., Trautwein, F.-M., Schmidt, S. (2024, Jun.) Exploring the Induction of Deep Non-Dual States through Floatation-REST: A Phenomenological Pilot Study. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Contemplative Research (ISCR), Padua, Italy.
Costines, C., Schmidt, T.T. (2023, Mar.). Exploring Altered States of Consciousness: A Pilot Study of Phenomenomics Using Citizen Science. Poster presented at the 10th MindBrainBody Symposium (MBB10), Berlin, Germany.
Costines, C., Schmidt, T.T. (2022, Jul.). A Specification of the Consciousness State-Space: Let's Split it!. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association of Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC25), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Egan, M., Costines, C., D'Esposito, M., Sadaghiani, S. (2019, Jun.). Knowing ‘when’ and knowing ‘what’: The impact of cue information on intrinsic top-down control. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy.
Wendt, J., Costines, C., Lindner, K., Pfannmöller, J., Hamm, A., Löw, A. (2014, Jun.). Time course of periaqueductal gray activation during active and passive coping with threat. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.
Talks & Tutorials
University of Bamberg, Germany
Models of Consciousness (MoC5) + Minimal Phenomenal Experience (MPE3)
Inducing MPE Using Floatation-REST: A Phenomenological Pilot Study
Talk in English2024-07
University of Tokyo, Japan
Annual Meeting of the Association of Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC27)
The Empirical Study of Altered States of Consciousness: Recommendations for Standards in the Psychometric Assessment [PDF]
Tutorial in English, together with Timo Torsten Schmidt and Larry Fort2023-11
Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP), Freiburg, Germany
Phenomenomics: Induction of Altered Experience as a Tool for Consciousness Research
Talk in German, together with Timo Torsten Schmidt2022-06
Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, Germany
Tübinger Forum for Science and Humanitities
Interdisziplinäres Studienkolleg: Religion und Weltanschauung im wissenschaftlichen Zeitalter
Reines Bewusstsein und Säkulare Bewusstseinskultur [Pure Consciousness and Secular Consciousness Culture]
Invited talk in German2021-11
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
DFG Research Training Group 2386 Extrospection
Interdisciplinary Virtual Workshop: Accessing Mental States
Phenomenomics: Mapping the Phenomenal State-Space
Talk in English, together with Timo Torsten Schmidt2021-10
Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Psychedelic Substances Research Group (PSRG)
Phenomenomics: Mapping the Phenomenal State-Space
Talk in English, together with Timo Torsten Schmidt2021-07
University of Vilnius, Lithuania
5th International Conference on Time Perspectives (ICTP2021)
What Is It Like to Experience Emptiness?
Talk in English, together with Marc Wittmann2020-10
Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Psychedelic Substances Research Group (PSRG)
On How the MPE Project and the Phenomenomics Project Complement Each Other
Talk in German2020-10
Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, Germany
Psychedelic Substances Research Group (PSRG)
Philosophically Informed Consciousness Research
Talk in German2020-02
Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, Germany
Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies (CIIS)
Introduction to Psychedelic Science and Secular Consciousness Culture
Invited talk and workshop in German
2024-08 – present
Contemplative Lab (ConLab)
Citizen science initiative aimed at advancing contemplative research while promoting a secular culture of consciousness
Co-founder [together with Mathis-Fynn Trautwein]2022-10 – present
Altered X Project (AXP) (via CIRCE)
International citizen science initiative with the aim of mapping the phenomenal state-space
Co-initiator [together with Timo Torsten Schmidt, Enzo Tagliazucchi and Raphaël Millière]
2024-05 – present
Collaboration for Interdisciplinary Research on Conscious Expierence (CIRCE e.V.)
Non-profit registered association conducting and supporting consciousness research
Co-founder [together with Timo Torsten Schmidt, Tim Hirschfeld and Sascha Krüger]2016-11 – 2019-10
MIND European Foundation for Psychedelic Research (MIND Foundation gGmbH)
Non-profit limited liability company promoting psychedelic research and psychedelic therapy
Co-founder, member of the executive board, director of science outreach (MIND Academy)
Secured Funding
€59,000 from the BIAL Foundation
for a research project on floatation-REST and meditation (Project 379)
at Medical Center – University of Freiburg (UKF), Germany, from 2025–20272018-03
€410 from the German Informatics Society
for participation in the Spring School Interdisciplinary College (IK)
in Guenne, Germany, in 20192016-11
€2,400 from the Udo Keller Foundation
for organizing and hosting a lecture series on the self (Wer ist dieser Ich?)
at Otto von Guericke University (OvGU) in Magdeburg, Germany, in 2017
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Frankfurt, Germany
MPE2 [International interdisciplinary workshop on the scientific study of minimal phenomenal experience]
Co-organizator, and co-host [together with Thomas Metzinger]2019-09
Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, Berlin, Germany
INSIGHT [International interdisciplinary conference on the scientific study and application of psychedelic states]
Co-initiator, co-organizator, and co-host2018-06 – 2019-10
MIND European Foundation for Psychedelic Research, Berlin, Germany
MIND Academy [Educational platform for talks and workshops on topics related to altered states of consciousness]
Co-initiator, director, co-organizator, and co-host2017-04 – 2017-07
Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (OvGU), Germany
Wer ist dieser Ich? [Interdisciplinary and intercultural lecture series on the self; funded by Udo Keller Foundation]
Initiator, co-organizator, and co-host
Upcoming: 2025-05
dbb forum, Berlin
Kongress Meditation & Wissenschaft
ScienceSlam (Nachwuchswissenschaftler präsentieren aktuelle Forschungsprojekte)
Erleuchtung ohne Meditation? Floatation-REST als Induktionsmethode für Minimale Phänomenale Erfahrungen (MPE)
Lightning Talk in German2022-09
lehrreich Wilmersdorf, Berlin, Germany
Schulische Bewusstseinskultur [Consciousness Culture in School]
Talk in German2022-06
Zen Center Altbäckersmühle, Singhofen, Germany
Philosophy, Science & Culture of Consciousness + Meditation
Invited workshop in German, together with HoKai Österle2022-02
lehrreich Wilmersdorf, Berlin, Germany
Schulische Bewusstseinskultur [Consciousness Culture in School]
Talk in German2018-06
MIND European Foundation for Psychedelic Research, Berlin, Germany
Thomas Metzinger’s Concept of Minimal Phenomenal Experience
Talk in German2017-04 – 2017-07
Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
University Sports Center
Theory and Practice of Zen Meditation
Semester course in German
Forthcoming: Costines, C. (2025, Jun.). [Beitrag zu außergewöhnlichen Erfahrungen]; Tattva Viveka, 102.
Costines, C. (2024, Dec.). Ein Ort für das Bewusstsein [Article], Ursache\Wirkung Magazin, 130. [PDF]
Böttinger, L., & Kech, F. (Hosts). (2024, Feb.). Was bringt Fasten – für den Körper und den Kopf? [Audio podcast episode]. In BZ am Ohr. Badische Zeitung. [HTML & MP3 ]
Costines, C. (2023, Sep.). Gehirn, Geist, Gedanken und Emotionen [Interview], Ursache\Wirkung Magazin, 125, 42–45. [PDF]
Costines, C. (2023, Mar.). [Buchbesprechung zu Bewusstseinskultur. Spiritualität, intellektuelle Redlichkeit und die planetare Krise von Thomas Metzinger], Tattva Viveka, 94, 105–106. [HTML]
Costines, C. (2022, Aug.). Was ist ein guter Bewusstseinszustand? [Interview], Ursache\Wirkung Magazin, 121, 82–85. [PDF]
Costines, C. (2021, Jan.). 50 Sekunden im freien Fall [Kindgerechter phänomenologischer Bericht über verändertes Erleben beim Fallschirmspringen], dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur. [PDF & HTML]
Academic & Social Profiles
Explorative introspection: For the past decade, I have been experimenting with various pharamacological and non-pharmacological consciousness-modifying techniques (e.g., meditation) both to increase my mental autonomy and to heuristically inform my academic consciousness research by improving my ability to systematically and comprehensively describe and analyze my own phenomenal state-space.
Graceful simplification: For the past decade, I have been experimenting with different lifestyles (e.g., voluntary homelessness) in order to figure out what I need and don't need to live a good life and to be prepared to die well. For example, I have found that a simple lifestyle with only the bare essentials is most beneficial for me.
Recently launched: Learn more about my projekt Fuchsmut supporting neurotypical and neurodivergent children and adolescents in cultivating their minds: